Membership Agreement

Membership Information
To become a member of our store, you can go to our Member Procedures page and fill out the relevant sections. It is crucial to fill in your member information accurately and completely to avoid communication and accessibility issues. Please fill it out carefully and completely for the quick and healthy delivery of products and services. Becoming a member is a simple and fast process. Being a member does not imply any obligations. However, before making a purchase, please carefully read the Sales Agreement. You have the right to terminate your membership at any time.

Membership Cancellation
Members have the right to terminate their membership at any time. After terminating your membership, all relations with our site will be severed. To terminate your membership, you must log in after membership and submit your request through our contact information page.

Membership Cancellation is Not Possible in the Following Cases
1 - If 60 days have not passed since the member's last order.
2 - If a membership cancellation request is made with a different email address.
3 - If the member cannot be reached through the registered information.

Membership is Canceled by Us in the Following Cases
1 - If the member sends unethical messages or writes comments.
2 - If they attempt fraud.
3 - If they attempt to harm the system or our brand.

Member Security
All kinds of precautions have been taken in our store for the security of the member. In addition to these precautions, you are responsible for the security of your member information. Do not share the information you use to log in to our store with anyone, and do not log in from computers whose security you are not sure about.
Different Address
For each member, there is an address section where they can enter a different address other than their registered address when finalizing the order. This address section is designed for you to use when sending gifts to your friends or when you are in different addresses during certain periods, such as working at different branches of your company or staying at your summer house.

Product Reviews
Every member can write reviews for products. As you share your information and experiences with other users, shopping will be more enjoyable and conscious. Customer reviews will create a more conscious shopping environment since they will be unbiased and experience-based. In writing product reviews, be careful to write respectful comments to other users and the product manufacturer within the framework of general moral rules. Reviews that are deemed inappropriate are deleted from the system after review.


Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.